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Portland Personal Injury Attorney > Blog > General > Tips for Safe Back-to-School Driving

Tips for Safe Back-to-School Driving

If you have driven anywhere near a schoolyard during the morning or afternoon, you already know that things can get hectic and congested. Cars, bicycles, and pedestrians on foot are crisscrossing left and right, trying to go to and from the school. Many commuters are also on their way to work, so they feel the need to rush to ensure they won’t be late.

While it might be important to get your child to class and yourself to other matters on time, it is always more important to act responsibly and keep everyone safe. The firm offers tips for drivers when they are:

  1. Going through a school zone: The speed limit near a school could be posted as 25 miles per hour or 15, depending on your county. However, whenever you see a group of children close to the street, take your foot off the gas and lower your speed to whatever feels reasonable, even if that means just 10 MPH or less.

  2. At drop off: Don’t double park when you are dropping your child off at school, as this seriously limits visibility for motorists and children alike. You should also never drop off your children across the street; plan your route to get you in the lane adjacent to the school.

  3. Near young children: Kindergarteners and first graders are more likely to be involved in a dangerous accident than the average child. Obviously, they are still learning much about the world and do not understand the hazards a moving vehicle poses. When you see little kids near your car, exercise utmost caution.

  4. Approaching a crosswalk: Never block a crosswalk when at a red light or making a turn – children will often swing around you if you do so, putting them in danger of wandering into oncoming traffic. Also, even though a crossing guard is not a police officer, you need to follow their instructions.

  5. Near a schoolbus: When a school bus has stopped to unload children, you need to come to a complete stop as well. During this time is when most children are hurt in a car accident. Not only do you put children in unfair danger when you pass a stopped school bus but it is also strictly illegal.

Do You Have More Concerns? We Can Help!

Keeping our children and our roadways safe is ultimately everyone’s responsibility. To do your part, be sure you are confident in your abilities to control your vehicle, especially when in a school zone this back-to-school season.

If your child has been injured in a collision near their school, you should come to the Law Offices of Timothy Grabe as soon as possible. I,Portland personal injury attorney Timothy Grabe, can help you file a well-constructed lawsuit against the offender that aims to win you the maximum compensation possible for your child’s injuries.All consultations are free, socontact me today and we can get started on your case right away.

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