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Portland Personal Injury Attorney > Portland Car Accident Attorney

Portland Car Accident Attorney

Here to Protect Your Rights After an Auto Accident

Car accidents can turn into financial burdens for the victim, especially if injuries were sustained. After a serious accident, you will want to turn to the hardworking and devoted attorney from the Law Offices of Timothy Grabe. Our Portland car accident attorney can handle all the legal details connected with your car accident case and fight for the just financial compensation you deserve.

Our firm has a long history of successful settlements and courtroom verdicts handling a wide range of cases, including:

Common Causes of Auto Crashes

Portland Car Accident AttorneyMany factors contribute to traffic accidents involving cars, trucks, and SUVs – with a majority of them stemming from some type of driver error or negligence.

The leading causes of traffic-related injuries and deaths include:

  • Drunk and drug-impaired driving
  • Distracted driving (texting, talking on cell phones, eating, drinking, and engaging in other activities while driving)
  • Speeding
  • Disobeying other traffic laws
  • Driver fatigue
  • Poor weather conditions
  • Driver inattention

Our team approach to car accident cases involves a support team of medical and financial experts who can help us analyze your situation, document your injuries and losses, and present your injury claim or lawsuit in the most comprehensive and effective manner possible. Whether you have been hit by a drunk driver, uninsured motorist, or someone else guilty of some form of negligence, we go above and beyond to fight for you.

Securing Maximum Compensation for Victims

Victims of traffic accidents often sustain expensive and painful injuries. At the Law Offices of Timothy Grabe, we have a long history of helping clients recover full and fair compensation for their damages, injuries, and losses.

Car accident compensation can include:

  • Medical treatment, hospital bills, ongoing treatment costs
  • Missed wages
  • Lost earning capacity (if you are no longer able to work)
  • Property damage
  • Pain and suffering

Take These Steps After a Serious Car Accident

When you have been involved in a serious car accident, it is imperative that you take the right steps afterwards—as failing to do so could jeopardize your chances of recovering compensation. Although your health should be your first priority, it is also important to focus on the matter of protecting your rights. The other party may move quickly to point the finger at you, regardless of whether or not you were actually at fault, so you will need to ensure that your case is adequately supported with evidence.

In order to do so, it is highly recommended that you follow these steps immediately after a collision:

  1. Exchange information with the other driver
    • One of the first things that you will need to do is exchange information with the other driver, including their name, phone number and insurance information. If they are uninsured, this is something that you should discuss with an attorney—as there are still ways in which you can recover compensation in Oregon.
  2. Take pictures of the damaged vehicles & the scene of the accident
    • This is a step that you should not forego after an accident, even if you are only able to take pictures with a cell phone. This form of evidence can be highly beneficial to your case later on, as it may even help you to show that the other party was at fault, so it is recommended that you adequately document the scene.
  3. Speak to any witnesses that were present at the time of the collision
    • Securing witness testimony can be particularly beneficial if the other party has blamed you for causing the collision. For this reason, it is always a good idea to speak to anyone who was present during the accident and collect their contact information so that you can call on their testimony at a later date.
  4. Seek medical attention as soon as possible
    • Seeking medical attention after an accident is important for a number of reasons. First, you will want to ensure that any injuries are treated as soon as possible. Second, you will want to ensure that the extent of the physical damage is adequately documented. Finally, you will want to ensure that an injury is not overlooked.
  5. Avoid giving a statement to an insurance adjuster
    • Soon after an accident, you may start to receive calls from an insurance adjuster. They will want you to make a statement about the circumstances of the collision, but it is highly recommended that you avoid saying anything before you have had the chance to speak to an attorney—as your statement could be used against you later.
  6. Contact a personal injury lawyer immediately
    • Regardless of how minor the accident was, it is usually a good idea to speak with an attorney. They can inform you of your rights and help you to determine which course of action to take thereafter. If your case does not warrant the involvement of a legal professional, our firm will tell you so during your initial consultation.

Hit by a person with a low insurance policy limit?

If the costs of damages you have suffered exceed the insurance limit of the one who hit you, there are ways that you can collect the money you deserve. By working with a Portland car accident lawyer, you can assess different routes, such as collecting directly from the individual who hit you or through Underinsured Motorist coverage.

Our Portland Car Accident Attorneys Are Ready to Help You

At the Law Offices of Timothy Grabe, we understand that dealing with the aftermath of an accident can be an overwhelming experience, especially when you have been faced with costly medical bills and time spent out of work. We encourage you to seek guidance from a legal professional as soon as possible to help ensure that you are fully equipped to handle your case.

Despite how concerned the insurance company might sound over the phone, it is important to understand that they are not on your side – but we are. The truth is that they will do whatever they can to minimize your damages and maximize their own profits. For this reason, you should not hesitate to turn to someone who you can trust. When you come to our firm for help, you can rest assured that we will fight for you.

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